The Fellowship of The Institute for Professional Filmmakers, Entertainers, Musicians “Nigeria” is a mark of senior professional status in the entertainment industry. It is the apex level of professional stature, integrity, and achievement. It also demonstrates a commitment to excellence, ethics, mentorship, and professionalism.
The requirements for Fellowship reflect the diversity of the sector in which members operate and recognize service and commitment to the objectives of the Institute.
Values of Fellows
A Fellow should act as a role model and mentor for others in the profession, and be an active champion for the Institute and the entertainment profession.
Roles Of Practicing Licensed Fellow
- Advisory
- Mentorship
- Programme facilitation
- Journal development, contribution, proofreading, editing, vetting, recommendations
- Supervising and managing of the accredited training centre
- Internship
- Training manual development, contribution, proofreading, editing, vetting & recommendation
- Research development for the institute.
- Recognition of your commitment to the filmmaking, entertainment, and music development industry and in particular education, training and retraining.
- Use of the designation ‘Fellow, IPFEM' on your business card and stationery.
- Opportunities to become part of an exclusive and influential group.
- Respect and Recognition- would be accorded respect and recognition at the Institute’s events and programmes and by peers in the entertainment industry.
- Exclusive use of Fellows badges and Ties/Scarves which differentiates them from other professional members.
To be eligible for appointment as a fellow, a person must:
- Have been a professional member for at least 5 years.
- Be fit and proper for appointment into the fellowship of the institute.
- Have fulfilled all financial obligations.
- Have participated in regular courses, at least 3 professional training, programmes, conferences, and other activities, duties as directed by the institute.
An honorary fellow is awarded in recognition of one's life experiences. In this situation, the institute waived all of the usual requirements, such as training, attendance, course credits, a dissertation, and the passing of comprehensive examinations.
It is usually awarded to someone who has little or no prior connection with the academic institution or no previous postsecondary education but has an interest in promoting the entertainment industry and playing a supportive role in the institute.
To apply for the honorary fellow, contact the institute here
Completion of Application
Please complete the attached Fellowship Application form and return with your curriculum vitae and recent passport photograph
Please note that the Board of Directors and Governing Council’s decision on appointment to Fellowship is final. The Board of Directors and Governing Council will not enter into correspondence with those not deemed fit for appointment.