IPFEM Professional Licensing

Get a Practicing Licence

The Institute for Professional Filmmakers, Entertainers and Musician "Nigeria" offers and promotes occupational service opportunities to its already trained and certified filmmakers, entertainers, actors, musicians, producers, marketers, distributors,  crew workers by issuing them a licence to practise and operate under the guiding principles, supervision, and operational standards of the institute.

IPFEM offers Professional Practising Licence to both companies and individuals who must have registered their brand with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to practise or perform their functions/business in the entertainment industry.


Benefits Incurred Include

  1. Access to a licence certificate
  2. Access to market and distribute  your content through the institute's  marketing channels in the six geopolitical zones nationwide
  3. Access to market and distribute through our online channels
  4. Access to partner with IPFEM Licenced Marketers for film and music productions, content development and marketing.
  5. Access to work with IPFEM licenced members in the production of your content
  6. Access to job creation, self-employment and entrepreneurship.
  7. Access to become a professional member of the institute
  8. Access to upgrade training in film and music production
  9. Access to be featured in film/music productions of IPFEM licenced members
The Institute For Professional Filmmakers, Entertainers And Musicians "Nigeria" IPFEM


The institute offers three categories of practicing licensing:


This category of licence is issued to individuals and organizations in the industry who wish to practice all aspects of entertainment.

Licenses issued include:

  • IPFEM Licensed  Professional Filmmaker
  • IPFEM Licensed  Professional Musician
  • IPFEM Licensed  Professional Entertainer

They are in a position to practice as consultants and mentors. Its numerous and economic benefits include...

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This category of licence is issued to film/music marketers, producers, and directors. These persons or organization plays a supervisory and authoritative role in the business of entertainment. They are the drivers or leaders of the industry.

Licenses issued include:

  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Film Director
  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Music Director
  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Film Producer
  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Music Producer
  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Film Marketer
  • IPFEM Licensed Professional Music Marketer

This category of licensing has numerous and economic benefits which include...

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This consists of every other area of entertainment such as

    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Actor
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Actress
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Comedian
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Singer
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Scriptwriter
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Photographer
    • IPFEM Licensed Professional Costumier
    • IPFEM Licensed Continuity Professional
    • & Many others

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What people say about it

This is a welcomed development in the entertainment industry as artists and other practitioners are trained, certified and licenced

Public Speaker

The business of entertainment is taking a positive direction. Kudos to the institute!

Theater Artist